Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Yesterday was a long day....

I wrote this yesterday...

So, I’m writing this at work, because our system is
down and literally I have NOTHING to do, no internet to surf, nothing.
I spoke with my cousin today; she said she was relived to hear that it
was not me who was pregnant. What exactly does that mean?
Does she think I’m too young? I’m 25.
Surely she meant nothing by it, but why would you say that
to someone? How does she know I’m not trying to get
pregnant, and nothing is coming of it. How would she feel then?
I think pregnancy is a very touchy subject with a lot of people.
I can not tell you how many people as of late have a
sked me when I am going to have a child.
Isn’t that personal? Why would you ask someone?
I think pregnancy is one of those topics that
should be off limit in general conversation.
Unless the woman in question brings it up.

I can’t really explain how excited I am that my brother and
Christina are going to have a baby. I am so so so so happy for
them. I can’t wait to be Auntie Allison, and take my niece or
nephew to all the places I loved to go as a child. I also
love that I can sugar up said child and hand them right
back over to Mommy and Daddy. I can’t wait to spoil
this kid like I spoil Abby. I haven’t been this excited about
something in a long time... I might even be more excited
about new baby than I am to go to Disney!!! And
that’s huge for those who know me... I’m a Disney freak!


Amber Neil said...

Congrats Auntie!!!! :)
I agree about pregnancy being a touchy subject. You never know if someone is having a hard time getting pregnant, or even if they could have been pregnant didn't tell anyone and miscarried... I'm with you on your "no one bring it up unless it is the woman in question" rule. My friends and I talk about it and push it on the ones who are waiting to start trying, but we wouldn't do that to them if the information of their birth control wasn't shared. It is 3AM so I'm sure this is all jumbly.

Anonymous said...

I came across your Blog because I seen that you are interested in Culinary School and so am Anyhow, I'll probably add you to my favorites, and now you'll have FOUR readers! :)
I must say that pregnancy can cause so many problems among friends and family. I have a friend that is unable to concieve after 5 years of trying. And I just had a baby 9 months ago, so it's hard for me to talk about my baby boy, and the fact that I do hope to have another one soon. Anyhow, I usually don't bring up kids and pregnancy unless she does. So I know how you feel and I agree. Take care, nice to meet you! :)