Friday, June 27, 2008
Insert Clever Title here.
everything else sucks. like hardcore. including my current place of employment. 4 years down the god damn tube.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
GI Bill What?
So, I was reading the Navy Times and there was an article about spouses being able to use the GI bill. If I can go to Culinary School on the Navy's dime I am ALL for it. As each day goes by the more I think about it . Even though things at work are getting better, I know its not what I want to do. I want to be a chef darn it!
So the family got some more news over the weekend. My cousin Brian and his wife Jessica are expecting their first child in Feb. Same month as Matt and Christina. So that would make 4 babies in the family under 1. and 6 under 4!!! Our Family has grown in leaps and bounds over the last 3 years. Its very exciting!!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
CPL Holly Charette 9/27/83-6/23/05

3 years ago today the world lost the brightest star I have ever known. She was just Holly. Crazy smiles, always…. Last week I was looking through my photo albums from senior year, literally every picture I have of Holly has her sticking her tongue out. There is not a day that goes by.. (I know that sounds so cliché) that I don’t think about Holly Charette.
You can read about her here or here and leave her a message here.
I don’t really know what to say, but June 23rd 2005 changed my life. There are so many things I should have done differently but I didn’t so now I can only remember the good times we had together. Thankfully there were many.
Holly Charette I will never forget you…
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Yesterday was a long day....
So, I’m writing this at work, because our system is
down and literally I have NOTHING to do, no internet to surf, nothing.
I spoke with my cousin today; she said she was relived to hear that it
was not me who was pregnant. What exactly does that mean?
Does she think I’m too young? I’m 25.
Surely she meant nothing by it, but why would you say that
to someone? How does she know I’m not trying to get
pregnant, and nothing is coming of it. How would she feel then?
I think pregnancy is a very touchy subject with a lot of people.
I can not tell you how many people as of late have a
sked me when I am going to have a child.
Isn’t that personal? Why would you ask someone?
I think pregnancy is one of those topics that
should be off limit in general conversation.
Unless the woman in question brings it up.
I can’t really explain how excited I am that my brother and
Christina are going to have a baby. I am so so so so happy for
them. I can’t wait to be Auntie Allison, and take my niece or
nephew to all the places I loved to go as a child. I also
love that I can sugar up said child and hand them right
back over to Mommy and Daddy. I can’t wait to spoil
this kid like I spoil Abby. I haven’t been this excited about
something in a long time... I might even be more excited
about new baby than I am to go to Disney!!! And
that’s huge for those who know me... I’m a Disney freak!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

i had this whole entry typed out at work , our entire companies system was down... so i had the time... but i forgot to email to myself when the system came back up, so tonight i have nothing except for... the celtics are ahead 58-35 at the half.... could tonight be the night?? there is still alot of game left so im not counting any chickens before they hatch ... but i just might be staying awake for this one.....
p.s i'm gonna be an auntie!! good golly im excited!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Tag you're it!
*gasp* I've never been tagged before!! lol
5 places I go over and over- work, starbucks, my mom's house, the grocery store, pauls pasta
5 people who email me regularly- Disney,BMG, um.., coach, my mom. how sad that no one real emails me... oh well!
5 favorite places to eat- 5 guys, Oilo, Troy's, Michael Jordan's,Ruth's Chris
5 places I would rather be- In Washington w/ Sara, Disney World, with the twins, at the spa,some place tropical...
I dont have 5 people to tag... Sorry!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Fathers Day!

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Top Chef
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Class of 2001 Where are you now?

On the eve of the 7th anniversary of the class of 2001 from Cranston High School East, I can't help but wonder where my classmates are . Are they happy? Have they gotten everything they hoped for senior year? Gosh , I remember it like it was yesterday.... Prom with Ray... Graduation night with Ray and Danielle... and then the infamous "puddle" aka flooded road incident, that would be the time where I flooded the engine of they car i just got permission to drive.. good times...
But really... where is everyone? are they still in
Sunday, June 8, 2008
June 7,2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Fists Fly at Fenway Park

Coco Crisp expected there might be some payback after Wednesday night's controversial slides into second base. So, when Tampa Bay starter James Shields hit Crisp with a pitch in the second inning, it first appeared Crisp might just go to first base. Instead, Crisp dropped his bat, flipped his helmet and charged the mound. He dodged Shields's punch and then hit Shields before being taken down by catcher Dioner Navarro. Tampa DH Jonny Gomes got in a few shots on Crisp as both dugouts emptied and jumped into the fray. When it was sorted out, Crisp and Shields were ejected. Righthander Grant Balfour took over on the mound for Tampa Bay.
and then manny goes after youk??
and then manny is hurt?! wtf is going on here!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Wait... What?!
British Nuke Sub Watchmen Caught Drinking, Napping Before Red Sea Crash
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A watchman was caught drinking beer and falling asleep on a nuclear submarine which crashed in the Red Sea last week, Sky News reported Tuesday.
The crewman has been placed on leave from the HMS Superb while a Ministry of Defense investigation is carried out.
His conduct came to light after cellphone footage obtained by The Sun newspaper showed a commander warning crew about safety breaches that he said were "unacceptable" and irresponsible.
The officer is identified by the paper as Executive Officer Lieutenant Commander John Aitken.
He says on the video clip: "You know far better than to allow stuff like that to happen. As submariners, you accept responsibility for yourselves and your shipmates."
The HMS Superb crashed into rocks in the Red Sea on May 26, damaging its sonar equipment and forcing it to surface.